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 Category >>  Therapy
These tones have an unique property: they increase in frequency continuously without ever decreasing. For this reason, the effect on our psyche is very special, it raises and elevates our energies and brain waves like no other sound can do. The function that generates continuously descending frequencies is also important. These types of tones are very useful for hypnosis, psychological regressions, deep relaxation and facilitating effortless entry into sleep
 Category >>  Therapy
These tones have an unique property: they increase in frequency continuously without ever decreasing. For this reason, the effect on our psyche is very special, it raises and elevates our energies and brain waves like no other sound can do. The function that generates continuously descending frequencies is also important. These types of tones are very useful for hypnosis, psychological regressions, deep relaxation and facilitating effortless entry into sleep
 Category >>  Therapy
You can read more here about basic principles of wave synchronization. Features: Multiple tones generator for maximum 12 frequencies. Seven waveforms: sine classic, triangle, saw and four golden waves: Golden Sinusoid, Golden Half Sinusoid, Golden Triangle and Golden Square. Large frequencies ranges: up to 20000.00Hz base frequency (can set with two decimals), binaural beats up to 2000.00Hz Switch pan for binaural, center frequencies and binaural off
 Category >>  Therapy
This update require to rebuild the old projects 1.03 (2019-09-13) FIXED: some incompatibility solved 1.02 (2019-04-28) FIXED: some incompatibility solved 1.01 (2018-12-10) UPDATED: unlock key system     The theory behind the waves based on the golden number   The golden number comes from the divine proportion that divides The whole into parts by an ideal ratio, so that every part will reflect the whole. The principle which is at the base of the universe in creates and sustains it
 Category >>  Therapy
LFOtherapist it's a modulator for music therapy and brain wave entrainment. You can insert healing frequencies in any audio input. The modulator include the golden waves, classic waves and have two LFOs modulators. It takes very low resources! First way to create healing music Features
 Category >>  Therapy
goldenWavesGenerator is a binaural beats generator for music therapy and brain wave entrainment which work by carrier and binaural waves. The generator include all the golden waves, have two LFOs modulators with golden waves too. It takes extremely low resources
 Category >>  Stereo
Very handy and user friendly, easyReverb consumes by far the least resources between reverb plugins without compromising the audio quality!    What's special: Surface selector which imitate the surface of the acoustic spaces. Have 6 options: Smooth, Waves, Granulated, Rippled, Zigzag and Rich Zigzag. Each option have own algorithm.  Accent for space which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected space, at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound
 Category >>  Stereo
Very handy and user friendly, sReverb consumes by far the least resources between reverb plugins without compromising the audio quality! What's special: Surface selector which imitate the surface of the acoustic spaces. Have 16 options like Smooth, Waves, Granulated, Rippled, Zigzag, Rich Zigzag. Each option have own algorithm.  Accent for space which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected space, at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound
 Category >>  Therapy
binauralTones is a binaural beats generator for music therapy and brain wave entrainment which work by carrier and binaural waves. The generator have two LFOs modulators. It takes extremely low resources! Professional way to create healing music Features
 Category >>  Therapy
isochronicTones is a isochronic beats generator for music therapy and brain wave entrainment which work by carrier and isochronic waves. The generator have two LFOs modulators. It takes extremely low resources! Professional way to create healing music Features
 Category >>  Therapy
change values by mouse wheel. VST 3 version was added. 1.05 (2021-04-19) UPDATE: code improved, skin updated 1.02 (2019-04-13) FIXED: LOGIC PRO incompatibility solved 1.01 (2017-02-10) FIXED: some incompatibility solved   The theory behind the waves based on the golden number   The golden number comes from the divine proportion that divides The whole into parts by an ideal ratio, so that every part will reflect the whole. The principle which is at the base of the universe in creates and sustains it

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