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3LufsMeter |
Designed to provide unprecedented control and precision, 3LufsMeter offers an innovative approach to LUFS measurement across three distinct frequency bands: low, middle and high. This unique capability ensures that your tracks achieve the perfect frequency balance, rivaling the most successful tracks on the market.
Key Features:
Three Band LUFS Measurement: Low, Medium, High bands. Analyze the loudness of your track in three separate frequency bands
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loudnessMeter |
0 (2024-05-27)
Initial release. On Mac OS this version have resize problems.
User Manual:
Information label: you can get useful informations by hovering with the mouse over the knobs, graph or boxes. For example, if you hover with the mouse on the graph you will get unique informations about time and values of graphic curves.
Target loudness slider: here you can set loudness target.
Information label contain the difference between target and loudness of the input. The green color will indicate that the measured input is below the target
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IsochronicAscension |
Introducing IsochronicAscension, a revolutionary program that combines the power of continuously ascending sounds (Shepard tones) with the power and effects of isochronic tones.
These tones have an unique property: they increase in frequency continuously without ever decreasing.
For this reason
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BinauralAscension |
Introducing BinauralAscension, a revolutionary program that combines the power of continuously ascending sounds (Shepard tones) with the power and effects of binaural beats.
These tones have an unique property: they increase in frequency continuously without ever decreasing.
For this reason
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binauralBeatsHarmonics |
Harmonies in music are not accidental; they have been studied for thousands of years and over time some laws of harmony have been discovered which it is good to take into account in sound therapy.
This plugin was born out of this pressing need. It provides us with the unique possibility to easily choose between frequencies that are always in mutual harmony. Thus, the frequencies increase based on the principle of the C Major scale and double every 7 frequencies. As a matter of fact
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dualReverseDelay |
dualReverseDelay it’s a dual plugin both as two sets of knobs (one per channel) and as two directions: reverse and forward.
Unique and original delay.
Two sets of knobs (one per channel) .
Stereo enhanced by offset
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YSampler |
YSampler it's a simple and easy-to-use sampler for those who want to save their resources using five samples. Provides unique stereo dynamics and multiplying of semitones interval.
YSampler to make your work easier with great results.
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3Sampler |
3Sampler it's a simple and easy-to-use sampler for those who want to save their resources using only three samples. Provides unique stereo dynamics.
Use 3Sampler where you only need three samples.
Three boxes with a visual audio profile for samples
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reverseDelay |
Reverse delay with enhanced stereo delay, ping pong and low pass filter. Extremely low resources taken!
Unique and original delay.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Stereo enhanced by Pan Width knob.
Low pass filter.
Host sync delay rate and free time rate
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easyReverb |
at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound, and at 100% it produces maximum effects when changing.
Accent for surface which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.
Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections: Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone, Reverse Cone, Steps and Reverse Steps.
8 distinct acoustic spaces: Arena, Cathedral, Hallway, Corridor, Chamber
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sReverb |
at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound, and at 100% it produces maximum effects when changing.
Accent for surface which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.
Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections:
Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone, Reverse Cone, Steps and Reverse Steps.
60 distinct acoustic spaces from Stadium, Canion, Cave
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easyLimiter |
rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds.
Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results:
clear and smooth sound
high volume with no unwanted sounds
continuous sound and very close to the original line
EXTREMELY low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters!
Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited.
Attack attenuation envelope
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adsrFilter |
adsrFilter is a filter with ADSR envelope which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth and filter mix! Extremely low resources taken!
One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass.
Bandwidth and filter mix.
ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode
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adsrFilterPro |
adsrFilterPro is a filter with ADSR envelope and LFO which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth, pan position and filter mix! Very low resources taken!
One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass
Bandwidth, pan position and filter mix
ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode
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lfoDelay |
LFO Delay with two LFOs for modulation. One filter on delay target or out target. Low resources taken!
LFO Delay for unique delay effects.
Two LFOs which can modulate: Delay Rate, Dry Mix, Wet Mix, Pan Width, Feedback, Filter Freq, Filter Bandwidth
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SLimiterPro |
rattles, crackling, distortions and other unwanted sounds.
Thus we got some attenuation original procedures with stunning results:
clear and smooth sound
big volume with no unwanted sounds
transparent, continuous sound and very close to the original line
very low resources, UNIQUE in the area of audio limiters
Look Ahead: detection of peaks are made before sound playing, this result a very little delay has no importance in the mastering process. This feature detects all peaks in time to can be limited.
Attack attenuation envelope
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