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binauralBeatsHarmonics |
binauralBeatsHarmonics can generate multiple frequencies that sound synchronously.
You can test now the power of Frequencies Sync Effect (FSE) on binaural beats, a new feature in brainwave entrainment.
In therapeutic music, frequencies that have a strong correspondence in numerology are used a lot
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goldenWavesGenerator |
planets frequencies etc
Healing tones and Solfeggio frequencies presets.
Binaural or simple wave generator selector.
Fade when change frequencies with range up to 90seconds.
Brainwave range detector: epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda.
LFO working synchronously with host or free with start position of oscillating.
Golden waves on LFOs which creates very well modulated waves.
LFOs can to modulate frequencies, binaural pan and volume.
Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click.
LFOs sync button will synchronously positions of LFOs
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binauralTones |
planets frequencies etc
Healing tones and Solfeggio frequencies presets.
Binaural or simple wave generator selector.
Fade when change frequencies with range up to 90seconds.
Brainwave range detector: epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda.
LFO working synchronously with host or free with start position of oscillating.
LFOs can to modulate frequencies, binaural pan and volume.
Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click.
LFOs sync button will synchronously positions of LFOs.
Free for 60 seconds.
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isochronicTones |
planets frequencies etc
Healing tones and Solfeggio frequencies presets
Isochronic or simple wave generator selector
Fade when change frequencies with range up to 90seconds
Brainwave range detector: epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda
LFO working synchronously with host or free with start position of oscillating.
LFOs can to modulate frequencies, round, pan and volume.
Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click.
LFOs sync button will synchronously positions of LFOs.
Free for 60 seconds.
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twinCrusherPro |
Two band overdrive distortion for high and low frequencies
Gain and drive amount for each band
Pan position for each band
Round knob make sound smooth and round to avoid aliasing and reduce the peaks. On low values this knob insert nice harmonics.
LFO working synchronously with host or free with start position of oscillating.
LFOs can to modulate all parameters.
Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click.
LFOs sync button will synchronously positions of LFOs.
Antialiasing button will reduce peaks and other sharp sounds
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adsrFilterPro |
bandwidth, pan position and filter mix! Very low resources taken!
One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass
Bandwidth, pan position and filter mix
ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode
One LFO working synchronously host or free with start position of oscillating.
Sync host to free correlating after SYNC button click.
LFO can work as ADSR child around the position made by ADSR.
Volume compensation for ADSR and LFO with crescendo side to right, left or both
Visualization of modulated parameter value
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modulatedFilter |
modulatedFilter is a modulated filter with one LFO. Can modulate filter frequency, band width and filter mix! Extremely low resources taken!
One filter width lowpass, highpass and bandpass
Band width and filter mix
One LFO working synchronously host with start position of oscillating
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lfoDelay |
One filter on delay target or out target. Low resources taken!
LFO Delay for unique delay effects.
Two LFOs which can modulate: Delay Rate, Dry Mix, Wet Mix, Pan Width, Feedback, Filter Freq, Filter Bandwidth, Filter Mix
The LFOs working synchronously also can make phase shift by LFO reset automation.
LFO reset to back LFO phase to start.
LFO offset is value of modulated parameter.
Visualization of modulated parameter value.
One filter Lowpass, Highpass or Bandpass. Can set to delay target or out target