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 Category >>  Delay
dualReverseDelay it’s a dual plugin both as two sets of knobs (one per channel) and as two directions:  reverse and forward. Unique and original delay. Features: Two sets of knobs (one per channel) . Stereo enhanced by offset.   Button to change the direction of delay
 Category >>  Sampler
  Pan position setting.   Pan alternate - a unique and very useful feature which give you dynamics of stereo to your music. For example, if we set pan position to 90% and activate the alternating pan, the first key played will be 90% to right and the next 90% to left. Reverse and loop buttons. Can be used for drums, pluck, keys, leads and pads. Free for 60 seconds.  Can upload sfz files with a maximum of three samples. Available directives
 Category >>  Sampler
Pan position setting.   Pan alternate - a unique and very useful feature which give you dynamics of stereo to your music. For example, if we set pan position to 90% and activate the alternating pan, the first key played will be 90% to right and the next 90% to left. Reverse and loop buttons. Can be used for drums, pluck, keys, leads and pads. Can upload sfz files with a maximum of three samples. Available directives
 Category >>  Delay
sweepDelay it's an advanced delay with two resonant filters that are modulated in frequency. Extremely low resources taken! Use sweepDelay if you want your delay to sound special.   Features: Two resonant filters that are modulated in frequency, one on each channel. ...
 Category >>  Delay
oneSample it's a simple sample player with only one sample and no midi input, simple palying only!     Features: Visual peaks area and information about audio sample. cam load wav, ogg and mp3 files. Loop and reverse commands. Pan position and volume out
 Category >>  Delay
Reverse delay with enhanced stereo delay, ping pong and low pass filter. Extremely low resources taken! Unique and original delay. Features: Delay play on alternate left right. Stereo enhanced by Pan Width knob. Low pass filter. Host sync delay rate and free time rate
 Category >>  Therapy
high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies etc Centering the left-right frequencies around the frequency of the note. Healing tones and Solfeggio frequencies presets Left-right reverse Binaural and monaural beats selector Brainwave range detector: delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda Free for 60 seconds.  Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value
 Category >>  Therapy
high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies etc Centering the left-right frequencies around the frequency of the note. Healing tones and Solfeggio frequencies presets Left-right reverse Binaural and monaural beats selector Brainwave range detector: delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda Free for 60 seconds.   Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value
 Category >>  Therapy
Golden Sinusoid SG, Golden Sinusoid GS, Sine Half, Triangle and Square Large frequencies ranges: up to 20000.0Hz base frequency (can set with decimals), binaural beats up to 512.00Hz Binaural pan which can set the position of binaural from right to left and can reverse the binaural. 140 presets with most important binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies etc Healing tones and Solfeggio frequencies presets. Binaural or simple wave generator selector
 Category >>  Stereo
Accent for surface  which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.   Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections: Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone, Reverse Cone, Steps and Reverse Steps. Features: 8 distinct acoustic spaces: Arena, Cathedral, Hallway, Corridor, Chamber, Metallic Box, Special Fly and Special Explosion. Pan position for mono and for each  stereo  algorithm
 Category >>  Stereo
Accent for surface  which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.   Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections:  Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone, Reverse Cone, Steps and Reverse Steps. Features: 60 distinct acoustic spaces from Stadium, Canion, Cave, Forest to Special spaces like Fly, Fireworks, Ratchet and Explosion. Surface selector which imitate the surface of the acoustic spaces. Have 16 options like Smooth, Waves, Granulated
 Category >>  Therapy
You can find more informations about golden waveforms Large frequencies ranges: up to 20000.0Hz base frequency (can set with decimals), binaural beats up to 512.00Hz Binaural pan which can set the position of binaural from right to left and can reverse the binaural. 141 presets with most important binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies etc Healing tones and Solfeggio frequencies presets. Binaural or simple wave generator selector
 Category >>  Therapy
Golden and easy way to create healing music Features: Continuous tones generator Four waveforms based on the golden number Few presets with binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection Solfeggio frequencies presets Left-right reverse Binaural and monaural beats selector Fades when the frequencies changes  Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value: double click on the knob Requirements: DAW (VST host)
 Category >>  Therapy
Most easy way to create healing music Features: Continuous tones generator Four wave shape selector Few presets with binaural frequencies, high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection Solfeggio frequencies presets Left-right reverse Binaural and monaural beats selector Fade when change the frequencies Tips: Value input from keyboard: go over the knob and right click, insert value from keyboard then hit enter. Set default value: double click on the knob Requirements: DAW (VST2 or VST3 host)

The most searching words: golden waves, golden waveform, binaural, consciousness, isochronic, isochronictones, brainwave entrainment, resources, requirements, windows, sound therapy, low resources, monaural, audio plugin, vst plugin, golden waveforms, frequency, presets, wave, ping-pong, golden number, stereo, sound, solfeggio, distortion, audio, frequencies, delay, sounds, attack, sync, rate, visualization, envelope, generator, peaks, triplet, release, healing, parameter

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