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 Category >>  Therapy
Note played change the Base Freq of binaural (not Binaural) and the corresponding value is written on head drawing. Please note that it is a monophonic synthesizer, does not support polyphony.  - Generator make continuous sound if is in playing/recording and switch button is on generator state Features: Four waveforms based on the golden number Frequencies by midi notes input with attack and release Continuous tones generator. Midi tuning to any frequency do you need. Works only in synthesizer mode. Large frequencies ranges
 Category >>  Therapy
binauralSynth is a binaural/monaural beats generator which work by frequencies or by midi note input like a synth! Extremely low resources taken! On generator mode require playing or recording state to generate beats. Most easy way to create healing music! This plugin is hybrid
 Category >>  Therapy
binauralGenerator is a binaural/monaural beats generator which work by frequencies! Extremely low resources taken! Require playing or recording state to generate beats. Most easy way to create healing music Features

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