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3LufsMeter |
In this way you can easily find out which of them are close to your labels standards.
Broadcast and Streaming: Meet the loudness requirements for various platforms and ensure consistent playback levels.
Educational Use: Ideal for music production courses, helping students understand the importance of loudness and frequency balance in modern music production.
Tips for use:
You can get useful informations by hovering over the knobs with the mouse.
For keyboard input: right-click on the knob, input the value from the keyboard
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eChorus |
easy to use and rich free reverb
pongDelay: simple free ping pong delay
DAW (VST2 or VST3 host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST2, VST3 and AU
1.0 (2024-06-23)
Initial release.
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binauralBeatsHarmonics |
This value will also be the frequency of reference. For example, if the number 1 button it's on the binaural reference frequency will be equal to the binaural frequency.
Click if you want the generator to emit tones even without pressing DAW play.
Fade value at the beginning and stopping the sound, as well as changing the sound frequency.
Fade can work by changing frequency (for example from the void frequency in the start case) or by changing the volume.
The volume of tones.
Graphic wave shape.
Slider to change the waveform
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dualReverseDelay |
can balance frequencies on stereo channels.
Toggle direction of delay from
reverse to forward - unique feature on the delay area. This can produce amazing effects
Host sync delay rate and free time rate.
Rich rates: triplet and dotted.
Ping pong made by offsets.
The delay start from the beginning of the project but on reverse cycles. So, the end of the delay it's exactly on the delay rate set. But if your audio input is not on rate set in the delay rate you must take care that the cycles runs in the reverse way
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sweepDelay |
one on each channel.
Lowpass and highpass
Link for modulation to Pan Width, Feedback, Dry and Wet Mix.
Visual modulation position.
Host sync delay rate.
Rich rates: triplet and dotted.
Auto bypass when no input signal.
Ping pong, delay play on alternate left-right.
Ping pong rates enhanced: normal, triplet and dotted (period between left and right)
Remove donate button: donate minimum 5 euro then insert donate key received by email
Value input from keyboard
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reverseDelay |
Reverse delay with enhanced stereo delay, ping pong and low pass filter. Extremely low resources taken!
Unique and original delay.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Stereo enhanced by Pan Width knob.
Low pass filter.
Host sync delay rate and free time rate
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goldenSynth |
the part in everything and everything in the part. This principle is also used in fractals.
Mathematically we can write:
It is a growing and an indefinitely dividing formula that can grow infinite keeping the original harmony.
Non-linear time concept
The symmetrical sinusoid (classic sinusoid) is based on a linear time but the time is non-linear! Golden sinusoid is based on a non-linear time
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goldenWavesGenerator |
the part in everything and everything in the part. This principle is also used in fractals.
Mathematically we can write:
It is a growing and an indefinitely dividing formula that can grow infinite keeping the original harmony.
Non-linear time concept
The symmetrical sinusoid (classic sinusoid) is based on a linear time but the time is non-linear! Golden sinusoid is based on a non-linear time
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goldenGenerator |
the part in everything and everything in the part. This principle is also used in fractals.
Mathematically we can write:
It is a growing and an indefinitely dividing formula that can grow infinite keeping the original harmony.
Non-linear time concept
The symmetrical sinusoid (classic sinusoid) is based on a linear time but the time is non-linear! Golden sinusoid is based on a non-linear time
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SLimiterPro |
Release attenuation envelope. This feature improves continuous line of the sound.
Stereo link combines attenuation with stereo balance.
Left and right attenuation with memory storing.
Peaks graphic for output and input/attenuation
Clipping soft and hard
Instant and maximum RMS
Free for 60 seconds.
DAW (VST host), Windows 32/64bits or MacOS VST and AU
2.7 (2023-05-21)
UPDATE: change values by mouse wheel. VST 3 version was added.
2.61 (2021-12-20)
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pongDelay 2 |
Enhanced ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width
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panDelay 2 |
panDelay 2 with left and right sides, ping pong, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay can play on left side or right side or alternate.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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pongDelay |
Ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width.
Rich rates