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 Category >>  Delay
dualReverseDelay it’s a dual plugin both as two sets of knobs (one per channel) and as two directions:  reverse and forward. Unique and original delay. Features: Two sets of knobs (one per channel) . Stereo enhanced by offset.   Button to change the direction of delay
 Category >>  Stereo
panOscillator make pan position oscillating and enhance your stereo signal. Extremely low resources taken! Features: Pan out oscillator from left to right. Host synchronization oscillator. Pan width for stereo enhanced. Pan offset to play around. Start position which can make phase shift
 Category >>  Stereo
panENV can position the output anywhere from left to right. Use envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay. Extremely low resources taken! Enhance your stereo signal! Features: Pan out from left to right with pan offset. Envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay
 Category >>  Delay
Features: Two LFOs which can modulate: Delay Rate, Dry Mix, Wet Mix, Pan Width, Feedback, Filter Freq, Filter Bandwidth, Filter Mix The LFOs working synchronously also can make phase shift by LFO reset automation. LFO reset to back LFO phase to start. LFO offset is value of modulated parameter. Visualization of modulated parameter value. One filter Lowpass, Highpass or Bandpass. Can set to delay target or out target. Two host sync or free knobs for left and right side. Switching host sync / free with the corresponding values

The most searching words: golden waves, golden waveform, binaural, consciousness, isochronic, isochronictones, brainwave entrainment, resources, requirements, windows, sound therapy, low resources, monaural, audio plugin, vst plugin, golden waveforms, frequency, presets, wave, ping-pong, golden number, stereo, sound, solfeggio, distortion, audio, frequencies, delay, sounds, attack, sync, rate, visualization, envelope, generator, peaks, triplet, release, healing, parameter

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