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3LufsMeter |
a groundbreaking audio plugin that revolutionizes the way you measure and balance loudness in your music productions. Designed to provide unprecedented control and precision, 3LufsMeter offers an innovative approach to LUFS measurement across three distinct frequency bands: low, middle and high. This unique capability ensures that your tracks achieve the perfect frequency balance, rivaling the most successful tracks on the market.
Key Features:
Three Band LUFS Measurement: Low, Medium, High bands. Analyze the loudness of your track in three separate frequency bands
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IsochronicAscension |
The lower limit of the frequency range.
The high limit of the frequency range.
Adjust the duration/rate for each cycle.
Slider to change the waveform with graphical wave shape.
Slider to adjust the spread of frequencies.
Three slider to adjust the volume per ranges (low, middle and high frequencies). It has an effect only if knob no. 6 is greater than zero. This is not an EQ to not spoil the pure waveform.
Click this button if you want the plugin to generate tones even without pressing DAW play.
Brainwave range frequencies area
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BinauralAscension |
The lower limit of the frequency range.
The high limit of the frequency range.
Adjust the duration/rate for each cycle.
Slider to change the waveform with graphical wave shape.
Slider to adjust the spread of frequencies.
Three slider to adjust the volume per ranges (low, middle and high frequencies). It has an effect only if knob no. 6 is greater than zero. This is not an EQ to not spoil the pure waveform.
Click this button if you want the plugin to generate tones even without pressing DAW play.
Brainwave range frequencies area