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 Category >>  Mastering
Key Features: Information Label: Quickly view useful informations. Target Loudness Slider: Effortlessly set your desired loudness target. Target Setting Switch: Easily toggle between integrated, maximum short-term, or maximum momentary LUFS targets. LUFS Value Boxes: Clearly displays LUFS values for all important parameters. Data Memory Button: Retain data for the next play session. Data Clear Button: Easily reset all data. Audio Input Analysis Mode: Analyze loudness only when audio input is detected, even without playback. What is special: Stereo LUFS Display
 Category >>  Mastering
SaschArt introducing a state-of-the-art audio plugin designed for comprehensive loudness (LUFS) analysis with a sleek graphical interface. This plugin features detailed curves for integrated LUFS, short-term, momentary, LRA, as well as integrated LUFS on both channels. Additionally, it displays the differen

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