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IsochronicAscension |
high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies.
Healing Tones and Solfeggio Frequencies: explore presets tailored for healing and Solfeggio frequencies.
Smooth Transitions: experience smooth fading when changing frequencies or volume.
Brainwave Detection: show brainwave ranges: epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda.
Change Frequency Direction: select ascending or descending frequencies directions.
Graphical Representation
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BinauralAscension |
high state of consciousness, out of body, astral projection, healing, chakras, Schumann resonance, planets frequencies.
Healing Tones and Solfeggio Frequencies: explore presets tailored for healing and Solfeggio frequencies.
Smooth Transitions: experience smooth fading when changing frequencies or volume.
Brainwave Detection: show brainwave ranges: epsilon, delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma and lambda.
Change Frequency Direction: select ascending or descending frequencies directions.
Graphical Representation
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binauralBeatsHarmonics |
For example, if the number 1 button it's on the binaural reference frequency will be equal to the binaural frequency.
Click if you want the generator to emit tones even without pressing DAW play.
Fade value at the beginning and stopping the sound, as well as changing the sound frequency.
Fade can work by changing frequency (for example from the void frequency in the start case) or by changing the volume.
The volume of tones.
Graphic wave shape.
Slider to change the waveform.
Labels where the frequencies can be viewed for each ear
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easyReverb |
Waves, Granulated, Rippled, Zigzag and Rich Zigzag. Each option have own algorithm.
Accent for space which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected space, at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound, and at 100% it produces maximum effects when changing.
Accent for surface which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.
Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections: Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone, Reverse Cone
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sReverb |
Granulated, Rippled, Zigzag, Rich Zigzag. Each option have own algorithm.
Accent for space which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected space, at zero the change of space does not produce any effects on the sound, and at 100% it produces maximum effects when changing.
Accent for surface which amplifies or decrease the specific features of the selected surface. The accent is unique in the reverb world and is very handy.
Stereo selector which offers 8 different algorithms for stereo reflections:
Mono, Wide, Inflate, Squeeze, Cone
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lfoDelay |
Visualization of modulated parameter value.
One filter Lowpass, Highpass or Bandpass. Can set to delay target or out target.
Two host sync or free knobs for left and right side. Switching host sync
/ free with the corresponding values.
Smooth transition to changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion. This time mean the minimum time to change delay rate.
Smooth knob: useful if modulation or automation on delay rates it uses.
Stereo enhanced by pan width.
Rich rates with triplet and dotted.
40 cool presets with 10 distort presets
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smoothDelay |
SmoothDelay with left and right separate knobs, smooth rate changing. Very low resources taken!
Double Delay for best left/right delay control.
Two host sync knobs for left and right side.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Smooth knob
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pongDelay 2 |
Enhanced ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width
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panDelay 2 |
panDelay 2 with left and right sides, ping pong, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay can play on left side or right side or alternate.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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panDelay |
Pan Delay can position anywhere from left to right, smooth rate changing. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay can play on left side or right side.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion
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pongDelay |
Ping pong delay, smooth rate changing, pan width. Extremely low resources taken!
Easy delay for nice audio effects.
Delay play on alternate left right.
Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
Stereo enhanced by pan delay width.
Rich rates