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 Category >>  Mastering
SaschArt introducing LufsLimiter concept: The Ultimate LUFS-Based Limiter Audio Plugin! Experience the Future of Audio Limiting with lufsLimiter - Unlock the Power of Loudness Balancing! Overview
 Category >>  Mastering
SaschArt introducing LufsLimiter concept: The Ultimate LUFS-Based Limiter Audio Plugin! Experience the Future of Audio Limiting with lufsLimiterFree - Unlock the Power of Loudness Balancing! Overview
 Category >>  Therapy
It's known that from a spiritual point of view, evolution means raising the personal frequency of vibration. The most suitable sounds for this are continuously ascending ones. A very interesting function is the combination with waves based on the golden number, thus we have three important effects combined simultaneously. With IsochronicAscension we can ascend to infinity! Continuous up without any falling down. It stimulates the state of spiritual enlightenment and aids in its stabilization
 Category >>  Therapy
It's known that from a spiritual point of view, evolution means raising the personal frequency of vibration. The most suitable sounds for this are continuously ascending ones. A very interesting function is the combination with waves based on the golden number, thus we have three important effects combined simultaneously. With BinauralAscension we can ascend to infinity! Continuous up without any falling down. It stimulates the state of spiritual enlightenment and aids in its stabilization
 Category >>  Therapy
This plugin was born out of this pressing need. It provides us with the unique possibility to easily choose between frequencies that are always in mutual harmony. Thus, the frequencies increase based on the principle of the C Major scale and double every 7 frequencies. As a matter of fact, these series are tuned on the frequency set by the user as binaural or as the base frequency. In the plugin, this tuning frequency is called the reference frequency
 Category >>  Therapy
goldenSynth is a binaural/monaural beats generator which work by waveforms based on golden number. Can receive note input from midi like a synth.  Extremely low resources taken! Golden and easy way to create healing music! This plugin is hybrid
 Category >>  Therapy
unlock key was added as a file, this solves certain incompatibilities with the OSX system 1.02 (2019-08-27) FIXED: improved compatibility with Logic & OS X 1.01 (2019-04-28) FIXED: some incompatibility solved   The theory behind the waves based on the golden number   The golden number comes from the divine proportion that divides The whole into parts by an ideal ratio, so that every part will reflect the whole. The principle which is at the base of the universe in creates and sustains it
 Category >>  Therapy
The generator have two LFOs modulators. It takes extremely low resources! Professional way to create healing music Features: Continuous tones generator Eight waveforms, classic and based on the golden number waves. You can find more informations about golden waveforms Large frequencies ranges: up to 20000.0Hz base frequency (can set with decimals), binaural beats up to 512
 Category >>  Mastering
easyLimiter for easy mastering. Output audio limiting, stereo link, release of attenuation and few type of limiting. Show maximum attenuation. All what you need to clean disturbing sounds. Made based on our research in the field of wave attenuation of high peak that creates problems audition
 Category >>  Therapy
The generator have two LFOs modulators. It takes extremely low resources! Professional way to create healing music Features: Continuous tones generator Eight waveforms, classic waves and based on the golden number. You can find here more informations about golden waveforms Isochronic split based on the golden number Large frequencies ranges: up to 20000.0Hz base frequency (can set with decimals), isochronic beats up to 512
 Category >>  Therapy
goldenGenerator it's a binaural/monaural beats generator that works by waveforms based on the golden number. It takes extremely low resources! Golden and easy way to create healing music Features: Continuous tones generator Four waveforms based on the golden number Few presets with bina
 Category >>  Mastering
SLimiterPro - for all audio makers. Output audio limiting with input gain correction, lookahead, attack and release. Show instant and maximum attenuation, RMS statistics and graphic peaks Left-Right values with time detect. All what you need for easy mastering. Made based on our research in the fie
 Category >>  Mastering
SLimiter - for all audio makers. Output audio limiting with input gain correction, lookahead, attack and release of attenuation. Show instant and maximum attenuation Left-Right values with time detect. All what you need for easy mastering. Made based on our research in the field of wave attenuation

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