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 Category >>  Sampler
make active monitoring then just click on the last icon in the tool (7) that appears under the plugin boxes. There you will see the Warn level with four possible levels, level 3 is the most dangerous. PluginsMonitor as antimalware If the red light comes on in the plugin box (6) and the logs indicate activities of harmful for your computer, immediately block access to your files and registry (if there is activity) then close the plugin from the DAW
 Category >>  Sampler
make active monitoring then just click on the last icon in the tool (7) that appears under the plugin boxes. There you will see the Warn level with four possible levels, level 3 is the most dangerous. PluginsMonitor as antimalware If the red light comes on in the plugin box (6) and the logs indicate activities of harmful for your computer, immediately block access to your files and registry (if there is activity) then close the plugin from the DAW

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